Tuesday, July 31, 2012

July 31, 2000

He writes: We to L.C. hospital 7:50 a.m. Linda and Nino joined us later in pre-op. GG to surgery 11 a.m. Dr. Cheek talked to Nino, Linda, and me about 1 p.m. The 3 of us to casino 1:18 p.m. for lunch. Nino paid. Back to hospital 2:56 p.m. GG in room 204. Can't go home until her legs work. Her blood sugar very high. Me home to put insulin in frig 4:19 p.m. Back to hospital 5:29. Linda called room 204. We home 9:15 p.m. Called Linda. GG in pain.

GG surgery.

Monday, July 30, 2012

July 30, 2000

He writes: Cloudy til 9:30 a.m. Then sunny. GG called Kay in a.m. Kay has a pulmonary problem. We ate McD Burgers for lunch. L and Nino here with a big seedless watermelon. He ate some plums off the tree. We watched "Benji" Ch 12 2 p.m. movie. Also a video taped "That Darn Cat". The end of it not there. Nino and me to McDonalds. Bought fish sandwiches and 6 49 cent burgers. At fish for supper. Washed GG's blankets. Tried using new shaver. Whit faced kitty here and 3 crows.

Craig 40 (36)

Sunday, July 29, 2012

July 29, 2000

He writes: Sunny-warm. Linda called 8:30 a.m. Said her answering machine out of order. GG called Linda. Big Linda called. GG worked on papers for hospital. Me trying to catch up on calendars. GG ordered watch. McDonald's burgers for lunch. Hash for supper. GG legs very swollen. Her back itches. GG saw tiny humming bird. 3 cats here.

to Bushnell 1936

Saturday, July 28, 2012

July 28, 2000

He writes: Mostly sunny after morning clouds. Called Edith Decker. GG to Dr. Cheek. She to be in hospital 8 a.m. Monday. We ate chicken sandwiches Burger King $1.98 total. Cones Dairy Queen $2.10. Deposited $41.38 bank. Gas Chevron $1.639 per gallon. Several nectarines and peaches going bad. Cut bad away on most. Made pork hash for supper. 3 kitties here. Picked 16 plums. GG 2 calls from hospital. Big Linda here with lots of big blueberries. GG's legs very swollen.

Friday, July 27, 2012

July 27, 2000

He writes: Lots of sun. Some clouds. Fog at T.T. Eloise called early a.m. Her van in repair. We ate McDonald's 49 cent burgers for lunch. GG received pendant watch from Lindenwold in mail. Letter from Edith Decker. We to T.T. Pacific City. Saw 2 deer just before Pacific City. Me swam in pool with 2 couples from Oregon City. We at 6 tacos $3 of GG's Bunco winnings. Ran out of tomatoes before us. GG should have won most Buncos but didn't record one. We saw 3 black bunnies.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

July 26, 2000

He writes: Partly sunny. Me to McDonald's. 6.4 miles for 2 fish sandwiches for lunch. GG called Linda. She said no to swimming. Called for Nino. He gone. Called Eloise machine. We to pool Neskowin 8.5 miles. No other swimmers. Talked to a couple from Mount Vernon there. Saw bunnies. They eat bird bread. Roast pork, scalloped taters, and bean salad for supper. Washed towels. Washed our clothes. Ate nectarines, peaches, grapes, grapefruit, plums and blueberries. Picked more plums. 3 cats here. Saw humming birds. Fertilized tomato plant.

Mike Hilton 36

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

July 25, 2000

He writes: Partly sunny. Drizzle about 4 p.m. Saw Junco. Concorde plane crash near Paris. 109 die + 5 on ground. We ate cantaloupe for breakfast. Received note from Kate Raynor. She thanked me for picture. Received book "Vinegar Duct Tape, Milk Jugs, and More" in mail. We ate hot dogs for lunch. Me massage 3 p.m. Bought milk, grapefruit, 2 dozen 39 cent peaches, and 49 cent lb quick oats Price and Pride. GG called Gloria and Linda machine. GG made scalloped taters in microwave. 3 cats here. GG to Dr. Cheek 11:30 a.m. Friday. Surgery on 31st. Can go swimming.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

July 24, 2000

He writes: Sunny-breezy at times. Lew called early a.m. He and Gloria here with cherries about 9:30 a.m. Gave him pictures our 61st and $20 for groceries. Received card with note from Dorothy. Thanked me for picture. Also received health letter with big article about prostate cancer treatments. Lew and Gloria back. They put fence around front porch and a railing to help climb steps. Also holes above bath tub. No find stud. GG made bean salad. We ate some and hot dogs on buns for lunch. GG made salmon loaf for supper. Me fried taters and cut tomato for supper. Saw a humming bird, 3 cats, and 4 crows. Picked a few plums.

New battery left hearing aid.

Monday, July 23, 2012

July 23, 2000

He writes: Sunny. GG called Simmons and Linda. Simmons here about 1:30 p.m. Me picked 19 plums. We at pot luck next to Linda's. Very good. Gave nino fish foam pillow and audio cassette Hit Parade 1945. Linda gave some of Nino cake to us. Gloria took pictures.

Nino 1965

Sunday, July 22, 2012

July 22, 2000

He writes: Cloudy a.m. Partly sunny p.m. Called Walmart about fish body pillow price twice. Received Wells Fargo data but no cancelled checks. Called them. Will get that service in August. Set up new music player on patio. Tape Hit Parade 1945 for Nino. Taped an 8 track "50 of the Most Famous Records Ever Made". We ate taters, roast pork, and beets for lunch. Called Kayleen's machine "Happy Birthday" to Sara Marie. Saw humming bird. Received shaver from PCH in mail. Charged car fone. Washed clothes. Rhubard molded in frig.

Sara Marie 9.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

July 21, 2000

He writes: Heavy drizzle in Newport in p.m. We to Newport. Ate fish sandwiches McDonalds. Took GG to beauty school for haircut. Van to Powers Dodge for service $18.95. Back to beauty school for GG $6. To FM. Bought wallet $20. $400 ATM. We to Walmart $105.85. Bot cones Depot Bay. Bread at Franz Newport. Washed clothes. Soup for supper.

Friday, July 20, 2012

July 20, 2000

He writes: Brief clouds a.m. then sunny-cloudy at P+P. Mail lady brought a Teac Digital Compact Hi-Fi system. We ate GG soup for lunch. Me mailed 3 GG letters Otis P.O. and bought 2 books stamps. Food Safeway. Pictures made tailor made printing. Zerox audio tape data at IGA 20 cents. Food Price and Pride. Bought lots of 38 cent nectarines. 2 fish sandwiches McDonalds $3.50. We wishe Lew "Happy Birthday" on telephone. Put 7.98 lb fresh pork picnic on to cook. GG talked to Linda after dark. Crows here.

Lew 72

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

July 17, 2000

He writes: Mostly cloudy. Washed GG clothes. Nino here with new car to learn how to use a cassette. Showed him how. Kay, Bill, and son here. They going to play on beach. Came back before 4pm. Took them to Neskowin RV Park. We all swam for approx. 1.5 hours. Had pool to ourselves most of time. We saw lots of bunnies. Kay took pictures. Eve Faye called GG while we gone. Gave Bill pictures of our 61st. GG gave them cups. GG cooked fresh string beans with ham for lunch. Me fixed taters. We prepared later for ring for Kay. Linda and Nino to Newport. Me called Eva Faye. GG took last antibiotic. Saw 3 cats.

Port Chicago blew 1944
We in Vallejo

Monday, July 16, 2012

July 16, 2000

He writes: Sunny. Warm. Breezy. Cot mole. Nino here with his 1996 Grand Prix. Me drove it. Nice car. Me pulled more false dandelions. Lots of them. Bill Curry and Colin walked here from Linda's. Gave Bill a picture of the Campbells. GG gave Kermit to Colin. Me to McDonalds. Bot fish sandwiches and 6 49 cent burgers. Have green tomatoes. Mike and Big Linda here with lots of cherries, string beans, and bluberries.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

July 15, 2000

He writes: Sunny. Breeze in late pm. Pulled lots of weeds in lawn with weed puller. We at GG soup for lunch. Ate fish, taters, and beets for supper. Linda and Nino called 8:27pm. Nino bought 1996 Pontiac for $7000 at Newport. We watched "Uglier Old Men" on Ch. 8. Video taped it. GG ate no snack. One cat here. Saw 2 humming birds.

Hans 93
Caravan 2 years Editor's note: I have a feeling he meant "Grumpier Old Men", as I have looked up the movie title he mentioned, with no results. Kind of a funny slip, dont you think?

Sunday, July 8, 2012

July 8, 2000

He writes: Mostly cloudy - brief sun. Called Gloria. GG made coleslaw. Me removed Dec 99 yogurt from small fridge and put cherries there. We ate a yogurt. It tasted ok. Ate hash and coleslaw for lunch. McDonald burgers and coleslaw for supper. We ate cherries and apricots. Cleaned humming bird feeder and put in new nectar. Cooked 1.76 lb pink salmon. 3 cats here. GG called Linda machine. Me called Dorothy.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

July 7, 2000

He writes: Mostly sunny-warm. GG bs 52. We made beef hash for lunch. Big Linda and Mike here for their 2 boxes of eggs. Eloise called. GG talked to Linda. Me put dirt in low area in front of cabana. Covered potato growths there. Me had copies made of Yerkes Girl cousins 1930. 25 cents each. Food Kenny's, Price n Pride, and Safeway. Bot lots of nectarines, cherries, apricots, and a small seedless watermelon. Fish, toast, and raw red peppers for supper. Humming birds and 2 cats here. GG gave Big Linda shoes.

Friday, July 6, 2012

July 6th, 2000

whew! It has been a long time since I've posted. Let's see what the old man was doing on this day, twelve years ago...

He writes:  Mostly sunny. Tall grass cut east of us. Linda called. Nino blood test. We ate McDonald's burger for lunch. Taped Linda's "Fly Away Home". Also Millionaire. We to Pacific City T.T. Me swam in pool. GG mostly wins Bunco and rec'd $3 coupon. Watched "Millionaire"tape. A man won a million.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

April 7, 2000

He writes: sunny all day. Breezy at times. We called May. She on vacation. We called Linda. GG potty problems. Me washed her clothes and also mine. Cleaned bathroom waste basket. Received first tech and dean wittier money reports. Severe pain in appendix area in a.m. Saw humming birds, crows, robins, starlings, a flicker, and a chikadee. Burgers for dinner. Did federal return in ink. We made fruit salad. GG's legs still swollen.

Kay 60.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

April 4, 2000

He writes: Rain am. Cloudy pm. Muscle cramps left leg much of the night. Cleaned bird feeder and added GG's sugar water. GG clam chowder for lunch. Me soup. To IGA. Bought 99 cent grapes, cottage cheese, round steak, and cantaloupe $16.26 Visa 5:01 pm. To library. Made copies tax forms $1.30. A boy (6th grader) helped me. Food Price and Pride $17.37 Visa. Burger King $1.98. GG took antibiotic pill 11 am and 11pm. GG better but eyes watery. Less leg pain. Linda called. GG talked to Simmons. Me worked on income tax.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

April 4, 2000

He writes: to Neotsu p.o. 5:28 pm. GG to L.C. Hospital emergency 5:35 pm. Out 7 pm. We to Safeway with prescription then to Burger King and Dairy Queen. Back to Safeway. Home 8:50 pm.

Ray 61.

Monday, April 2, 2012

April 2, 2000

He writes: sunny all day. breezy at times. Put gas in #12.5 tank and cut grass til tank went dry. 90% of yard mowed. Frances went by and waved. Crows, humming birds, and 2 cats here. Fixed burgers for lunch and soup and squash for supper. GG ordered $103 from Starcrest of California. Me seached through many places. No find Tek W2. GG's left leg and foot very swollen. GG talked to Linda. Her squash eaten.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

April 1, 2000

He writes: sun 9 am on. Took squash to Linda and Eloise. Eloise showed me some of her new books. She has 2 trivia books. She showed me pictures from California. Ate cantaloupe there and brought some to GG. To Otis. Bought 4 gallons og gas for $7.08. $1.769 per gal + 2 qts 30 oil $4.70. Ruffed in income tax. Don't have Tex W2. Need 1040 forms. GG's left leg and foot very swollen and discolored. Bill for Corvallis radiology $2.21 for GG xray 2.2.00 at L.C. Hospital. Set clocks ahead an hour.

March 31, 2000

He writes: sunny - windy in Lincoln City. We to Chinook Winds for lunch. $3.99 each. Me ate too much. Lost $10.90 bandits. Mail here 1:15 pm. GG received ring in mail. Me washed my clothes. Called Linda and Eloise machines. Lots of humming birds. Eloise called.

Monday, March 26, 2012

March 26, 2000

He writes: partly sunny. Ice bird bath. Me cleaned ring GG toilet. Lew and Gloria here. Lew mounted 2 ten cup racks for GG. He also removed bird feeder for GG. She cleaned it and Lew put it back on patio. Linda and Nino here. We all saw humming birds use feeder. Lew brought 4 cheeseburgers from McDonalds. 96 cents each. Said they no sell them for 39 cents. Linda and Nino said they bought them on the 19th for 39 cents. Saw 2 cats. Nino and Lew brought in bookcase from patio. Me mounted rack GG's closet. GG's leg swollen. King dome destroyed Oscar night.

Richard 33.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

March 25, 2000

He writes: cloudy early a.m. Sunny p.m. Linda upset because no humming birds and census long form. We talked to Lew. Big Linda called Linda. Bill from doc?

Saturday, March 24, 2012

March 24, 2000

He writes: Ice bird bath. Linda called. Me called Eva Faye. She and Chris flying to Cancun in p.m. Lots of humming birds. 4 at one time in the feeder and another waiting. Me to bank. Deposited $401.00. Car wash $6.00. We ate chicken for lunch and GG rice dish for supper. Me chills. Cats here and a big one just before dark. GG made fruit salad.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

March 22, 2000

He writes: Rain most of day. Linda called by 10 a.m. Mail lady here with door rack. Received cancelled checks. Me had $2.50 error. Took lots of time to find it. Received $850.91 Visa bill. Received 1946 Hit Parade from Time Life. GG made gravy. We made cabbage salad. Lots of humming birds. GG's left leg swollen.

March 21, 2000

He writes: Partly sunny. We received Collier yearbook from mail lady. We to hospital. Paid $63.70 bill for 2.14.00 service and a $10.18 bill for 2.2.00 service. Received itemized lists. We ate Burger King and spent $27.31 at Price and Pride. Ate cones at Dairy Queen $2.10. Ambulance and fire truck there. Bought 2 bags  spuds and sweet onion IGA $2.77. GG cooked 2 chickens in roaster. Lots of humming birds to feeder. 4 cats here.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

March 20, 2000

He writes: Mostly sunny. Lots of humming bird action to feeder. GG made chunky soup for lunch. Me microwaved frozen fish for supper. Added toast and spinach. Called Linda machine. Called Eva, Faye. No answer. Called Loreta. She okay. Linda called about 6:30 and said Nino on his way here to drive me to elk herds. Saw over 25 elk in a field NW of North Bank Rd. intersection. Also saw over 8 toward ocean. Not enough daylight to see good. Lew called and said he has pressure treated boards to fix back porch. Me sleepy all day. 2 kitties here. Crows, robin, and a flicker here.

Monday, March 19, 2012

March 19, 2000

He writes: Lots of rain. Several hail occurrences. We talked to Linda. Kay called 11:45 a.m. We saw humming birds. GG made sweets for them. Me hung feeder on patio. We saw birds use it. Me took bread from van and stowed most of it in garage fridge and freezer. Rice dish for supper. Me used energizer on my  right shoulder and hamstring. Kitties here. Saw a goat.

Ede 71

Sunday, March 18, 2012

March 18, 2000

He writes: Lots of rain. Wind. Nasty. 3 deer here most of the day. Late in the day they jumped the fence and ran up steep hill north of us. GG cooked steak and taters for lunch. Me watched Portland beat Seattle there by a point. We talked to Linda. Saw no goats. Big Linda called GG. Kitties here. We watched video, "Bhutan the Last Shangri-La" Reader's Digest.

We 61 years.

Happy anniversary old man! Today would be your 73rd wedding anniversary!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

March 17, 2000

He writes: windy in Lincoln City. We to bank. Deposited $683.00. $680 was cash. Gas at Chevron $1.729 per gallon. To Chinook Winds. Lew and Gloria just ahead of us. Nino, Linda, and Eloise later. At 1:02 pm Visa $27.93. Mw ate too much. Gloria and Eloise took pictures. Staff lit candle on a piece of cake for us. Card from Gloria. GG and me no win on Bandit. Nino's money. Me bought eggs and stamps at Safeway. Plant and card from Eloise on porch. When we arrived home me called her machine with "Thank you".

Melissa 27.

Friday, March 16, 2012

March 16, 2000

He writes: sun. Rain. Drizzle. Wind.we left home at 10:42 a.m. Franz bread Newport at 11:37 a.m. 33.2 miles. We ate Burger King. Bought cones but not soft ice cream. $1.50 each. No Dairy Queen in Newport. A man there showed me the way to beauty school. We there 1:04 p.m. GG received perm. $30. Gave $5 tip. Me $200 ATM Fred Meyers. We ate Lincoln City Burger King and Dairy Queen. Home 6 p.m. Received another hospital bill $10.80. Linda on our machine. Called her. She better. Me washed GG clothes. She got wet at hair school. Also hurt her finger.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

March 14, 2000

He writes: Mostly cloudy. Sprinkles at noon. To Otis post office to mail 10 letters. Mailed census letter. 5 piglets cloned. We ate roast beef sandwiches for lunch. Roast pork, taters, and broccoli for supper. Me washed 3 sleeveless jackets. Man here about detailing cabana.

New hair clippers 1997.

Monday, March 12, 2012

March 12, 2000

He writes: warm. Sunny. Some clouds. We saw lots of robins, starlings, an Oregon junco, and a flicker. Me also saw 3 ducks fly over. Crows here and saw 2 cats. Opened window cabana. GG cooked a pork roast and tarred for supper. Me added beets. Nino here. Put a new belt on his vacuum cleaner. He helped me flatten the card board on the patio and put it in the back of the caravan. We burned the old paper. We assembled a book case.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

March 11, 2000

He writes: Mostly sunny. Hail on grass a.m.  GG called Linda. We to Elks bag sale. Spent $15. We ate Burger King and Dairy Queen. Bought strips, lancets, calcium and #13 bats Safeway. Roast beef, s beans, and red baked taters for supper. GG sewed a bad seam on my blue sleeveless jacket. Me watched Portland beat Detroit NBA. Jefferson High wins State Basketball.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

March 10, 2000

He writes: lots of rain. We saw 2 robin's and a varied thrush. Me fixed burgers for lunch. Tatars, gravy, roast beef, and broccoli for supper. Washed 2 loads of clothes. Lew called about GG ear. Sed they pay $200 per month medical. Me rec'd audio tapes from Time Life. Saw 2 kitties here.

Monday, March 5, 2012

March 5, 2000

He writes: thin ice on the bird bath. Mostly sunny. Some wind at times.

GG called Linda. We ate hot beef sandwiches for lunch and GG soup for supper. We watched X movie. Kitties here.

Edith Viola Decker 85.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

March 4, 2000

He writes: rain a.m. Sun p.m. GG made potato salad. Kitties here. Linda called. GG bleeding again. We ate tuna sandwiches and tater salad for supper. Kitties here. Me put drops in GG's ear. Ducks beat Arizona. Both boys and girls. Westview 4A girls champs.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

March 3, 2000

He writes: a little rain. Called Linda. She has 3pm dental appointment and said they would meet me at Chinook Winds at 12:30. Me to Chinook Winds. Lew, Gloria, Nino, Linda, and me ate seafood lunch. $3.98 each. Rogers called GG about Reader's Digest. On my way home saw police put hand cuffs on a young male near fish hatchery. Small mini van there. GG cooked 6 lb. Beef roast and made gravy. Me cooked Tatars and broccoli. Linda on our answering machine. Said her jaw hurt. She took pain pills. Me put drops in GG's ear.

Monday, February 27, 2012

February 27, 2000

It's been a while since I've posted on the blog. Let's see what our old friend has been up to.

A little sun. Mostly cloudy.
Me called Linda. GG called Caroline. "Happy 25th Birthday." GG fixed soup for lunch. Me burgers for supper. Me watched Portland beat Utah on ch.8. GG's left lower swollen. 3 cats here.

Caroline 85.